The AIM Auction/Sale Reminder product is an inclusion in the AIM Trifecta packages.
SALE (Just Listed) campaign + Auction/Sale Reminder campaign + SOLD campaign

The Auction/Sale reminder campaign runs it's own Facebook/Google ads that gives a listing an extra boost of activity leading up to its Sale or Auction date and creates a sense of urgency. 


Here the most commonly asked questions:

  • How long is the Auction/Sale reminder campaign live for?

Approx. 3 days

  • Can a Sale campaign run at the same time as an Auction/Sale reminder campaign?

Yes. It just means that you have more ad types in market at once. Sometimes this will naturally happen if you ordered a bigger package (longer run time of the Sale campaign) closer to the Sale/Auction date.

  •  What is the timeline of a whole Trifecta campaign?


1. SALE campaign: run length as per ordered duration
2. AUCTION/SALE REMINDER campaign: run length approx. 3 days
(for For Sale properties it's triggered 3 weeks (21 days) after SALE campaign went live;

for Auction properties it's triggered 7 days prior auction date)

3. SOLD campaign: run length between 3-7 days (depending on package size)

  • Where will my Auction/Sale reminder campaign banners appear?

As per the sale campaign, ads will appear on Google Display Network, Facebook and Instagram. 

  • What happens if there is no Auction Date added to my property details

The system will calculate 21 Days from the Live date of the Sale campaign. 

  • Do I need to approve the Auction/Sale reminder ads?

No, you will not need to approve these ads. They will go live automatically. 

  • How do I know if my Sale/Auction Reminder ad went live?

You will receive a confirmation email alerting you when the campaign has gone live and another when the campaign has ended. You’ll also receive detailed, real-time reporting showing how your campaign is performing once the campaign has ended.

  •  How can I see the Auction/Sale Reminder campaign performance?

On the report in top left, you can select the campaign in the dropdown, or select ‘All Time’ for both Sale and Auction/Sale Reminder campaigns together. Please note: the website actions of the stats can't be shown separately as they accumulate throughout the websites life.

  •  Where can I find the SOLD campaign report of the Trifecta package?

The Sold Digital DL report results will be emailed to the listing agent with the total number of impressions and clicks. This portion of the Trifecta campaign has no vendor reporting as it crosses over into the Agent Marketing realm. 

  • My listing has sold after my campaign has commenced 

If your campaign has already started and your listing is sold, you can send an email to our AIM Helpdesk Team to have your sale or auction/sale reminder ads removed. No credit or refund will be issued for campaigns that are stopped early. But if you mark your property as sold, your SOLD Digital DL portion of the Trifecta campaign can still be used.

  •  What happens if a property is withdrawn before each stage is complete? 

If the first portion of your Trifecta has started (Sala campaign is approved), you’ll be invoiced in full. We are unable to refund for any stage that has not run.

  • Can I make changes to my Sales/Auction Reminder ad design or copy?

No, the ad design is fixed and based on your approved template from onboarding stage. 

  • How is the banner artwork created?

Your ads will be generated by the system for all portions of the Trifecta package using the images and details uploaded in your listing. It uses the first 3 photos of your property, primary agent profile photo and name, bed/bath/car and property address.

  • Can I make changes to the sale method after ordering? 

Yes, you can change the sale method however, if you have ads currently running, the changes won't automatically show on the banner artwork (website only). You will have to contact the AIM Helpdesk to have the ads stopped, amended and send live again with the new sale method. 
You can either update the sale method by going into your CRM and update the sale methods and push this through to our systems or do it manually in your ordering platform.