As we gear away toward paperless floor plan production, some of our Floor Plan providers are now using devices with LiDAR scanning technology to speed up the traditional way of measuring and sketching a property. By simply scanning the property using an iPhone or iPad equipped with LiDAR, you can get a highly accurate, precise measurement and detailed 3D capture of the property in no time.

With that, CMS is now capable of accommodating files produced by the LiDAR scans. These are the following file types:

  • obj
  • mov
  • mtl
  • zip

Steps on how to upload LiDAR files:

1. Upload the Lidar files in the Floorplan Sketch file type as you would with any other FP sketches

2. The resource type is Floorplan Sketch (default)

3. Upload your lidar file (can accept both .obj, .mov, .mtl, and .zip).