1. Select the Digital Boost packages you're after under the Digital Boost Packages category from your Orders/Quotes tab.
2. On the order screen, you can choose additional geo-targeting and audience segment options. It's important to take note that the product is already set to work with default settings - the options are to allow more flexibility should you choose to add on top of the default settings. We do not recommend choosing too many options since it spreads the budget too thinly. Based on the price point of the package selected, you could add between 1- 4 options under each category.
Click on 'Add to Campaign' and 'Confirm Order'.
3. Select the required date for your campaign to go live. Simply hit 'ASAP' where the system will automatically assign the next available date or select a specific date, click 'Place Order Now'.
NEXT STEP: How to approve your online (Facebook & Google) banner ads.